
Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Bottom Shelf Mixology: La Recasa De Mayo

Welcome to Bottom Shelf Mixology!  Our staff of Mixologists have racked their brains (and livers) to come up with special "bottom shelf" versions of popular drinks, and some original creations that range from "oh, that might be interesting" to "that sounds absolutely disgusting".  

La Recasa De Mayo (The Hangover of May)
  • 6 oz El Matador Tequila
  • 12 oz Tamarindo Soda
  • 12 oz Corona Light
  • Ice
  • Culantro (like cilantro, but worse.)
You're going to need a pitcher for this drink, which is sure to become a new Cinco De Mayo tradition!  Put your ice in the pitcher, and add in the tequila.  Then simultaneously pour in the tamarindo soda and Corona Light.  It is crucial that these are poured in at the same time!*  Also, make sure you don't stir this up.** 

When you pour this into a small glass, throw in a handful of culantro.

Drink to celebrate El Día de la Batalla de Puebla, and get a guaranteed hangover for Seis De Mayo!

*This doesn't really matter.
**Really, it doesn't.