
Friday, October 18, 2013

HMM '13: A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

It's October!  The doorway to not only the start of the greatest food season (early October to Christmas), but also to sexy nurses, zombies, and grown men dressing up like ponies.  That also means it is time once again for Halloween Movie Madness!  This year, I'll be taking a look back at the movies of my youth.  Every movie this year was released before I turned eighteen.  These are the Halloween movies that shaped me into the man I am today.  Some of them are scary.  Some are funny.  Some are fantastical.  Some are just weird.  And not all of them are good.  But to me, they are all Halloween movies.  Now, stand back, for your own safety! 

A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors

Right now, some of you are trying to figure out why I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street 3, and not the original.  That's because this was the first movie in the series that I saw.  In the theater on opening weekend, no less.  This movie scared me.  A lot.  I also loved it.  A lot.  So much so that I had my step-mom buy me the novelization of the first three movies and rent me the first two on VHS.  This movie didn't just hook me into the series, it grabbed me, lifted me up, and impaled me on a meat hook in cold storage. 

For most people, myself included, the most memorable scene in this movie is easily when Freddy turns himself into the snake and tries to eat Patricia Arquette.

I also remember Freddy coming out of a TV and killing a girl, and using a guy's tendons like he was a puppet. Also, I remember the Wizard Master.  When they were in the dream and he had his powers, he should have been a bad ass.  Instead, he was the typical lame nerd guy who got his ass handed to him.  I do love how they set up all of these characters as the Dream Warriors, and they all think they actually have a chance.  And it worked.  The set up, I mean.  I remember when I saw the movie, I actually thought they were going to be able to do it.  It went... okay.  They kind of won, much like what happens in every NoES movie, but there were plenty of losses. 

Watching through the movie for the first time in at least seventeen years helped me fall in love with it all over again.  And even though this is my favorite of the sequels, I really want to get the rest of the series (not counting the reboot, but we won't talk about that here. Ever.) and watch through them all again.  If you haven't ever watched any of these movies, I can't recommend starting with part three like I did.  You should watch them all though. 

Don't be scared, but here's some Gifs Without Context.